Modern Colon Hydrotherapy Booking
Review the list of medical concerns below and follow our quick steps to get booked today! Have more questions regarding Gravity One Studio’s colon cleanse solution? Checkout the list of frequently asked colon irrigation questions.
Medical Concern
If you are currently pregnant or have been diagnosed by a medical physician within the past year (12 months) for any medical condition listed below, a Colon Hydrotherapy (or colonic) session can not be performed at Gravity One Studio.
If you are pregnant or if you are diagnosed with diverticulitis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, severe hemorrhoids, rectal or intestinal tumors, have undergone recent radiation therapy, have uncontrolled hypertension, congestive heart failure, or organic valve disease, have an aneurysm, blood clots, severe anemia, GI hemorrhage/perforation, cirrhosis of the liver, fissures or fistulas, have an hiatal or abdominal hernia, have had recent colon cancer or colon surgery or renal insufficiency then you would NOT be a candidate for colon hydrotherapy treatment unless authorized by your treating physician.
Professionally administered colon hydrotherapy is generally safe if you are free of the above cited conditions or contraindications.
If you are concerned about a particular health issue you have, please give us a call to discuss in greater detail. Gravity One Studio wants to provide a safe, comfortable and successful Colonic experience for you.
Getting Started
Review the medical concern
Carefully review the list of contraindicators and ensure none of the conditions exists within the past 12 months.
Complete & submit modern colonic intake form
If you have booking restrictions, CALL FIRST.
After completing the Colonic Intake form, you will be given an opportunity to Reserve an Appointment after form submittal. The Appointment is confirmed after Intake Form is reviewed by our doctors and RX issued. The payment for the booking is charged when the booking is ACCEPTED by our team.
Preparing a session
Refrain from eating and drinking 2 hours prior to appointment. Bring a Pair of Socks, Arrive 5 minutes early to your appointment.
Review the After Care Instructions here.
NOTE: Colonic Sessions are PrePaid
Please select, First Time Colonic Visit or Expired RX, if you have not received a modern colon hydrotherapy session at Gravity One Studio or it has been more than 12 months since your last visit with us. An active medical history form is required along with a RX. Gravity One Studio RX's are valid for one year.
Getting Started
Review the medical concern
Carefully review the list of contraindicators and ensure none of the conditions exists within the past 12 months
Complete & submit modern colonic intake form
After payment you will be given an opportunity to Book an appointment. The appointment is confirmed after RX is issued.
Preparing a session
Refrain from eating and drinking 2 hours prior to appointment. Bring a Pair of Socks, Arrive 5 minutes early to your appointment.
NOTE: Form Will Prompt for Payment
If any questions
Call: 713 218-9988