Key tips to follow after your Colonic session

 Hydration is key:

Drink plenty of water throughout the day to replenish fluids lost during the procedure

Eat lightly:

Opt for easily digestible foods like soups, broths, salads, and steamed vegetables for the first day or two. 

  • Probiotic foods:

    Include yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut, and other probiotic-rich foods to promote healthy gut bacteria. 

  • Fiber intake:

    Gradually reintroduce fiber-rich foods like whole grains and legumes, but avoid excessive amounts that may cause discomfort. 

  • Limit gas-producing foods:

    Avoid foods known to cause gas like beans, cabbage, cauliflower, and onions for a few days. 

  • Gentle exercise:

    Light physical activity like walking is encouraged, but avoid strenuous workouts immediately after a colonic. 

  • Listen to your body:

    If you experience any discomfort, nausea, or bloating, adjust your diet accordingly and consult your practitioner. 

Foods to prioritize after a colonic:

  • Consuming broth based soup is highly recommended after your session

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables

  • Lean protein sources like chicken, fish, tofu

  • Brown rice

  • Oatmeal

  • Herbal teas 

Foods to avoid after a colonic:

Fried foods, Processed foods, Spicy foods, Heavy red meat, Alcohol, and Carbonated beverages.

Gut Bacteria:

  • Find a probiotic with a formula of at least 20 billion CFUs.

  • Based on your needs choose a probiotic with the appropriate strains:

  • B. lactis- Respiratory, Immune

  • L. rhamnosus- Immune, Weight, Skin

  • B. bifidum- Gut, Immune

  • L. gasseri- Colon, Vaginal

  • L.salivarius- Mouth, Immune

General Recommendations:

Generally speaking as soon as your treatment is completed you can carry on with your normal routine. You may experience an increase in bowel movements over the first few hours, to eliminate any remaining water or waste. This is perfectly normal and shouldn’t involve any undue urgency or discomfort. After that you may find that you don’t need to go to the toilet for a while, perhaps as long as a few days, as your bowels have been emptied. After a few days, your body will readjust and you will go to the toilet with normality.